What’s really happening in your child’s digital world?
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Why you shouldn't post back-to-school photos on social media
During back-to-school season, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of posting cute photos of your kids on social media. You've seen those signs that kids hold with all the stats on back to school day, right? Although it's a precious memory, it's better to keep that information offline.
Let’s talk about why it’s not a good idea post these pictures.
Introducing Family Tech Agreements (Technology Contracts) to your Kids
Help kids follow the rules and be intentional about screen time by setting up a Technology Contract, also known as a Media Contract.
The Amount of Time Teens Spend Online is Increasing
While using social media in moderation can be a great way to stay connected, being online constantly can hinder the growth and development of relationships with adults and others that could positively assist teens who are experiencing a crisis or other tough time.
Signs of Bullying - August 8, 2022
The signs of bullying can vary but it’s important to watch for any major changes in your child which can signify they are experiencing bullying.
Protecting Kids from Digital Drug Dealers - KOAT News
Purchasing counterfeit prescription drugs online is becoming more and more common and it’s extremely dangerous.
Instagram and Eating Disorders - KOAT News Segment
Why is Instagram pushing eating disorder content to its users, especially young ones?
How You Can Protect Your Digital Reputation - June 13, 2022
How can you protect your digital reputation?
Understanding and protecting your child’s digital reputation
Are you worried your child is doing things online that could hurt their future?
The best way to protect your child's future is to guard their digital reputation and then teach them to protect it. In this guide, you will learn how to be intentional with your digital reputation, how to guard and protect it, who influences and sees your reputation and what you can do to make sure your reputation is a good one.
Don’t Get Medical Advice from Social Media!
Why giving or receiving medical advice from social media is dangerous.
What is Doxing? - KOAT News - May 2, 2022
What is doxing? Here’s what parents need to know and some conversation starters to teach kids about doxing and what not to do.
Is Social Media Making Teens Less Happy with Life? - KOAT - April 25, 2022
Does social media make teens unhappy? A new study shows a correlation between the amount of time spent on social media and the happiness of teens.
Which video games are safe for my child? A King5 interview with Amity Addrisi and Lisa Honold
Is your child playing video games? Here’s how to decide which games and apps are right for your kids and, bigger picture, how to keep kids safe online.
List of Emojis Used as Code for Illegal Drugs Released by the DEA - KOAT News - April 4, 2022
On ABC’s affiliate KOAT News Morning Show in New Mexico, our director Lisa Honold spoke about the common emojis used to buy and sell drugs online.