The Online Behavior of Kids During the Pandemic - KOAT News - January 31, 2022


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What Have Kids Been Doing Online During the Pandemic?

On ABC’s affiliate KOAT News Morning Show in New Mexico, our director Lisa Honold spoke about the Bark 2021 annual report concerning the online behavior of kids during the pandemic.

Every year Bark reports how tweens and teens are using their time online. This year, they reviewed more than 3.4 billion messages across texts, email, and 30+ apps and social media platforms. They publish these results to give parents and guardians important insights into what it’s like to grow up on the internet today, allowing them to better protect their children while they use technology.

The report tallies conversations about self-harm, suicide, cyberbullying, violence, explicit content, anxiety, depression, disordered eating, predators, drugs and alcohol.

The study found that 72% of tweens and 85% of teens experienced cyberbullying, whether that be as the target, a witness, or the bully. The talk of self-harm has risen 25% amongst tweens and teens.

Adults and parents should use this data constructively to check in with kids.

Also, families should consider using the Bark app. In the last year it has alerted officials of nearly 1,200 potential school shootings, as well as other potentially lethal events.


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