What is Doxing? - KOAT News - May 2, 2022


What is doxing?

Doxing is a form of cyberbullying in which a person’s personal information (like their phone number or address) is released online so others can harass or threaten them.

Doxing generally happens after a person makes a comment or post on social media that irritates someone else. Instead of having a polite disagreement or continuing the discussion, they escalate the disagreement and invite their friends to pile on the punishment through doxing.

At its worst, doxing can lead to death threats from strangers and suicidal ideation from the victim.

Doxing is happening right now on Twitter.

You know I like to use real life examples to illustrate my points about online safety. It’s a great way to get your teen’s attention.

Here’s what is happening.

It’s been all over the news that Tesla’s Elon Musk is buying Twitter. He announced that he wants to change Twitter to have less content moderation and allow more free speech.

Several Twitter executives spoke out against this change in philosophy and have now become victims of doxing - their home addresses were released and now they’re getting harassed and threatened at home, just for stating their opinion online.

Parents, you can use this story as a teaching moment by talking to your kids about doxing - what is it? what are the consequences? and setting the expectation that they do not engage in such behavior.

Below is a KOAT news segment on Twitter and doxing with our director Lisa Honold.


Don’t Get Medical Advice from Social Media!


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