Frequently asked questions.

Is your organization’s approach based in a particular religion?

No, our philosophy and approach is based on modern, research-based parenting philosophies that work. We won’t talk about religion at all. We trust that parents know their children better than anyone else and remind parents to tune into their own values to make parenting decisions.

Is your organization sponsored by Big Tech like Google or Instagram?

Nope! We’re 100% independent and not sponsored by any Big Tech companies. Our mission is to advocate for families, not corporations.

What is Lisa’s background and expertise?

Lisa Honold is the founder of the Center for Online Safety, a national education platform that empowers parents and school leaders to guide children and teens toward responsible tech habits. As a parent with experience in the tech industry, Lisa is a sought-after expert on helping families prepare for and manage the digital world while protecting kids from harmful online risks.

As Lisa speaks passionately about the importance of using technology intentionally to support youth mental health and strong family structure,  she is driven by her belief that family connection is the foundation of a healthy childhood. She consults with schools, community coalitions, and corporations, offering research-backed strategies and tools to foster cyber-resilience.

Trained in many positive parenting models, including Guiding Good Choices, Strengthening Families, Incredible Years and Positive Discipline, Lisa has been a parent coach and facilitator for 14 years. As she watched her kids’ generation struggle with inappropriate content, excessive screen time and harmful behaviors like cyberbullying, Lisa shifted her work to internet safety, helping families navigate the digital years  and becoming an advocate for tech accountability.

Can you do a session for us in person? Or virtually?

Yes! We offer in-person and virtual programming for adults. For children and teens, all sessions are 100% in person to ensure the most engaging experience.

Want to learn more? Just fill out this form to get started.

What experience do you have speaking with parent and student audiences?

Lisa has been speaking with parent and student audiences for 6 years. From small school districts to those with 20,000+ students, Lisa has expertise connecting with people and ensuring they leave with practical information to keep themselves and their families safer online.