How safe are your students online?
Most administrators overestimate how safe their students are online, despite all the evidence that students using the internet irresponsibly. Things like cyberbullying, cheating, sexting and dangerous challenges all point to students not understanding how to be safe and healthy online.
Comprehensive student education can raise your students’ awareness of how to use the internet responsibly. Teacher training and parent workshops can raise your community’s awareness about protecting youth while on the internet.
You have an enormous responsibility—one not to be taken lightly.
Many time, students are using the technology that their school has provided to them for unsavory activities. This includes bullying, harassment, sexting, accessing pornographic material and the sale of drugs and alcohol.
It needs to stop. Today. With you.
Let’s work together to protect your students and community.
“Your presentation was excellent and very helpful for our parents.”
James Kelly, Trustee, Laguna Beach Unified School District
Former National President
National Association of Social Workers
“Lisa Honold is a skilled and attentive facilitator. Lisa is professional, detailed, and has a way of elevating the experience for participants and colleagues. Lisa also co-developed a program to meet the individual needs of families during this challenging time of safe social distancing [2021]. She is a pleasure to work with and performs the highest quality of work.”
Lauri Johnson, South Whidbey CARES Coalition Coordinator
“Your presentation opened the door to help my son.
I attended your presentation, “knowing” that my kids would never do some of the dangerous things online that we were discussing. That night, I told my kids one of the stories you shared… the one about sextortion.
It was during this story that my teenager confessed, the same thing happened to him but he was too humiliated and embarrassed to tell anyone. He only felt brave enough to tell me now because I started this hard conversation and he trusted me.
I cannot thank you enough for sharing your stories and helping my family work through a difficult situation together.
Our kids need us to start these conversations, even if they’re scary.”
“Our community here at Western Youth Services has found the “Family Tech Reset” course to be a truly an invaluable learning experience. We highly recommend this course to anyone looking to gain a better understanding of how to keep children safe in the online world that today's youth spends so much time in.
We find that this course exceeds expectations by providing a wealth of resources that help parents/caregivers learn about the dangers of the virtual world, how to create healthy rules and boundaries, and how to have difficult yet important conversations with their children - all while ensuring that the parent/caregiver/child relationship is nurtured in the process.
With the release of the “Family Tech Reset 2.0”, this is now available as an on-demand, self-paced training that parents can work through on their own time. This promises to increase accessibility for parents/caregivers with a full schedule or who are dealing with overwhelm and feel that they don't have time to learn about the complexities of the online world.
Additionally, the Center for Online Safety has just released this training in Spanish, further increasing accessibility. It is clear that their Director, Lisa Honold, is passionate about supporting diverse learning needs and getting this important information to as many caregivers/parents as possible.”
Lorry Leigh Belhumeur, Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Western Youth Services
You see the potential inside your students
Give them tools to achieve that potential by starting important conversations about cyber safety and offering guidance on the harms online.
Work with us to keep your students safe and reduce your risks