Telling the truth: Meta whistleblower Arturo Bejar's testimony revealed major safety issues

Arturo Bejar, Meta whistleblower, testified at a Congressional hearing on November 7, 2023.

His testimony is important because when he worked at Meta, he reported to senior executives at both Instagram and Facebook over the years. Also, he’s a dad and has struggled with trying to keep his teens safe from unwanted sexual advances and other harmful content that is prevalent in social media products.

You can read the full testimony here, but we've got the highlights for you.

Bejar’s revelations

Arturo Bejar revealed huge safety issues at the social media giant Meta. With a background rooted in shaping the safety policies at Instagram and Facebook, Bejar had a front-row seat to witness both the positive and the dark sides of these platforms.

"I spent years working on safety and security measures for Meta, but it became increasingly clear that the company prioritized profits over user safety."

His testimony revealed the staggering levels of abuse that teens aged 13-15 were experiencing every week.

The data from the research team indicated that:

  • 21.8% of 13-15 year olds said they were the target of bullying in the past seven days,

  • 39.4% of 13-15 year old children said they had experienced negative comparison in the past seven days

  • 13% of 13-15 year old responded said they received unwanted advances in the prior seven days.

A personal struggle

Just like any other family with teens, the harms hit home, even for a technology dad who knows Instagram and Facebook safety features. Bejar's testimony took a personal turn when he shared the story of his daughter, who experienced unwanted sexual advances on social media and other harmful behaviors.

"As a father, it was heartbreaking to see my own daughter go through such a traumatic experience online. This fueled my determination to speak up and expose the flaws in Meta's safety measures."

Work experience at Instagram and Facebook

Bejar's extensive career at Instagram and Facebook gave him unique insights into the inner workings of these platforms. He played a crucial role in developing safety protocols to protect users from harmful content and interactions.

"My time at Instagram and Facebook involved constant efforts to balance the desire for a free and open platform with the need to safeguard users, especially the younger ones, from potential harm."

Top 5 takeaways from Bejar’s testimony

Here are the key points Bejar brought to light in his testimony:

  1. Profit Over Safety: Bejar emphasized how Meta prioritized financial gains over user safety, raising concerns about the platform's commitment to protecting its users.

  2. Algorithmic Flaws: Bejar shed light on flaws in Meta's algorithms, which allowed harmful content, including explicit and predatory material, to circulate freely to children and teens.

  3. Internal Resistance: Bejar spoke about facing internal resistance when pushing for stricter safety measures, revealing a corporate culture that often overlooked the well-being of its users.

  4. Lack of Accountability: The testimony exposed a lack of accountability within Meta, with insufficient actions taken against those responsible for fostering a toxic online environment.

  5. Need for Legislative Action: Bejar concluded by stressing the importance of legislative action to regulate social media platforms effectively, urging lawmakers to step in and protect young users.

In conclusion

Arturo Bejar's testimony should alert parents that even with the tech background and all the insight into safety features, a parent cannot supervise kids on social media effectively and protect them from criminals, creeps and other harmful content.

We need Congress’ help to create a safer, more accountable online environment for everyone, especially children and teens.


Social media companies and the upcoming Congressional hearing


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