Why You Have to Explain Pornography to Your Kids TODAY

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No parent wants to think about introducing and explain pornography to their child. Their baby. Imagining a child stumbling upon online pornography makes me want to vomit.

But it is our reality.

The average age a child sees porn is 11 years old.

Please stay with me. Children are shaping their view of what "normal" sex and "normal" relationships are based on porn. And not just "normal" porn. Parents, we've got to embrace this conversation. It's our job to pre-teach our kids what porn is BEFORE they encounter it. That means having conversations at 8, 9 10 years old to tell them what pornography is, why it's not like real life, who it's for (and not for) and what to do when they see it. And also, we're supposed to do this while not freaking out!

I know. Not your favorite part of parenting. Mine either.

But ignoring this issue won't stop your child from seeing porn.

It's everywhere, accessible everywhere, and it's not just "normal" porn. Even if you've got your devices locked down, if they're at a friend's house looking at their screen or on a playstation with internet, porn is accessible. And if you aren't having the conversation, your child will struggle to make sense of it. They need you. They need your perspective.

Email us at info@centerforonlinesafety. com if you need a non-judgmental script to start the conversation. It's important you lay out the facts while remaining non-judgmental, loving and curious.


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