Can we play Fortnite? Part II

Have you ever wished you could take away a game or app you've said "yes" to?

Maybe it's a first person shooter game or social media account your child begged for, that's driving you crazy now...

For me, it's Fortnite.

I did all the research before I said yes in 2019. But it didn't work out for our family. My boys started getting aggressive, rude, violent and couldn't stop thinking about the game. 

(You can find Get Rid of Fortnite PART I here).

It's been over 200 days since the original "let's take a break from Fortnite" discussion and my kids wanted to revisit the issue.

Here's the update on our personal story on Fortnite and why I said no to Fortnite. Again.

If you need to reset the rules on technology at your house, here's my Four Step Process.

What game or app do you have a love/hate relationship with?


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