Kids and the pressure to join social media - KOAT News - November 22, 2021


Studies Show Negative Effects For Young Kids on Social Media Apps

On ABC’s affiliate, KOAT News Morning Segment in New Mexico, our director, Lisa Honold spoke about kids and the pressure they are under to join social media.

Now that social media is becoming the new norm for keeping in contact, schools are even pushing kids to join various apps. These apps allow them to receive assignments and communicate with their teachers, but also allows for social interaction between students.

Parents who are delaying their kids’ access to social media expect that their kids get a certain amount of pressure from their friends who want them on Instagram or TikTok. But what they don’t expect is for other trusted adults like their school teachers to be asking their kids to get on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, or even WhatsApp or Discord.

For more information see our article Teachers, church leaders, coaches, stop pressuring kids to be on social media early.


Social media, counterfeit drugs, kids and fentanyl


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