Schools limit kids’ cell phones during the day

Educators are tired of the distractions from kids having cell phones at school

We’re celebrating two schools’ commitment to learning without the distraction of smartphones.

Turquoise Trail Charter School in New Mexico

Turquoise Trail Charter School is the first school in New Mexico using a new technology to get kids off their phones. The technology is by a start-up called Yondr.

From arrival to dismissal, students will put their phones in a locked Yondr pouch. At the end of the day, students will tap the pouch against a magnet to open it and get their phone back. See the News Story here.

We’re looking forward to the updates on how Yondr pouches help students connect and interact with each other and teachers without the distraction of their phones.

Buxton School in Massachusetts

Buxton School, a boarding school in Massachusetts is taking a different approach. They have banned smartphones for all students and faculty.

A few years ago, the small, 57-student high school noticed that their tight community was degrading as people chose scrolling cell phones over face-to-face interactions. Although cell phones were banned in classes, students were still sneaking them in.

This fall, students weren’t permitted to have smartphones on campus, and teachers agreed not to use them. Instead, they all received minimalist Light Phones for essential communication.

Educators and students report less drama (which was fueled by group messages and posts on social media), less isolation and less pressure to respond immediately to texts and messages.

Read the News Story here.

What is your school doing to help kids get off their phones?


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