Sign the petition to recall Snapchat’s award

CADCA has awarded Snapchat, the social media platform kids love and law enforcement hates for its disappearing messages and rampant drug dealers, "Humanitarian of the Year".

CADCA is the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America and it says its mission is to create safe, healthy and drug-free communities globally. Yet it's honoring a company that harms kids' mental and physical health by offering them access to illegal substances, counterfeit prescription drugs, pornography and sextortion. This award to Snapchat doesn't make any sense.

How could CADCA do this?

My friend Amy Neville lost her 14 year old son Alexander to a drug dealer allowed to sell on Snapchat. Alexander took a counterfeit pill laced with fentanyl and he died. She's started a petition to revoke this award to Snapchat and you can help by signing it here.

More about Snapchat's failure to be humanitarian:

Please join me in signing Amy's petition to revoke Snapchat's award as Humanitarian of the Year.


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