A parent’s guide to deciding which games and apps are okay for their kids

Deciding which apps and video games are appropriate for your child can be challenging. It gets easier when you've set up a process and are prepared in advance. To watch a King5 video about choosing appropriate games, go here.

Imagine your child just asked you if they could play a specific game or get a new social media account. How will you decide if it’s a good one?

Below is our process called "The Five Steps to Yes" to help you decide which games and apps are right for your child and we’ll walk you through how to lead that conversation. The best part - it’s a child-led process!

You’re teaching your child how to research, develop an opinion and communicate their position. Most importantly, you’re helping them apply your family values to their question.

The Five Steps to YES for games and apps

  1. Start with your values. Does the game or app go against your values? If so, it’s an easy no.

  2. Do some research. Ask your child why they want the app. What’s cool about it? Then check out Common Sense Media for app reviews from parents, experts and kids.

  3. Ask your child or teen to “sell it”; let them do the bulk of the research and prepare it for you.

  4. Talk about it together. Let your child lead the meeting and let your role be supportive and curious.

  5. Decide yes or no. If yes, set up a trial period and revisit your decision in a week. If no, talk about why it’s not a good fit for your family’s values.


Which video games are safe for my child? A King5 interview with Amity Addrisi and Lisa Honold


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